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/ Blog / The Best Essential Oils for Your Health

The Best Essential Oils for Your Health


Whether you’re looking for chemical-free options to look after your health or just looking to experiment with some self-care treats, natural and essential oils could be the answer! As many of us are opting more for ‘natural’ GMO-free and organic foods, so the trend goes for beauty, supplements and healthcare products. Certain oils are great for strengthening certain body parts including your brain, heart, hair, skin and even your digestive system. Oils have been used in healthcare since ancient times. The ancient Egyptians used oils mixed with herbs to cure bowel diseases, while ancient Greek athletes covered themselves in olive oil to look more luminous and protect themselves against the sun. But let’s take a look at how we can use them today!

For digestive system

It’s certainly true that some essential oils can help to get your digestion back on track. These oils are a healthier and more natural option than swallowing a bunch of pills and supplements. But don’t forget, not all oils are safe for consumption. You should check the label first to be sure. You can use ginger, peppermint, fennel seed, lemon, cardamom and coriander oils to regulate your bowel movements and also to relieve an upset stomach.

For healthy brain and heart

Research on brain-improving foods is still continuing to evolve, but it has been shown that certain oils have properties that can support a good brain function. These oils may also contribute to good cardiovascular health. The relationship between a healthy heart and a well-functioning brain is often overlooked but it’s much more important than once thought. Olive oil and nut oils such as walnut and peanut have proven health benefits for both your brain and your heart. Coconut oil is also one of the more recent alternative treatments for Alzheimer’s disease which is beginning to be recommended by doctors.

For your hair

Natural oils are eco-friendly beauty products that you can use with no harm to yourself or the planet. And they are rapidly gaining popularity. Since there are so many choices, let us help you to choose one or two for strong, healthy and shiny hair. You can use coconut oil for all hair types, in particular for damaged, dry and dull hair. Argan oil is good for hair exposed to heat, especially for people who shape their hair with heat. It also protects hair against the bad effects of the sun. Jojoba (pronounced ho-ho-ba) and sweet almond oils prevent dandruff and dry scalp. You can also rub sweet almond oil on your beard and moustache to make it shiny and soft.

For your skin

Oils have been used for skin care for centuries, for their moisturizing, protective and anti-bacterial qualities. But with the growth of beauty industry in recent centuries, they have often been overlooked. But now they are gaining their popularity among the general public. Let’s see: coconut oil is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties and is easily absorbed. Olive oils, especially extra virgin olive oil, can be used as a moisturizer. Shea butter never causes allergic reactions and it’s also a great moisturizer. Rosehip seed oil is a powerful anti-ager with wrinkle-fighting vitamin A. If you have itchy skin, use some lavender oil and thank me later. Tea tree oil is an all-natural fix for acne and blackheads. Finally, rose oil is really good for sensitive skin and quickly calms redness, as well as calming you down with its wonderful scent! An important reminder; never use oil on an open wound, a burned area and extremely sensitive skin. And before using any oils, make sure you’re not allergic to them.

Experimenting with lots of different oils is a good way to find the ones that work for you. Always talk to an expert before starting to use them. I hope you can discover the aromatherapic qualities of essential oils, which can also help your overall wellbeing. Don’t hesitate to share your ideas with us and follow us for more tips and suggestions.