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/ Blog / 7 Warning Signs of Bad Health

7 Warning Signs of Bad Health


Our body signals us in many different ways about our health. Sometimes a symptom in one part of the body may be sign of a problem in another part of the body. If something is not on the right track, we can understand from the visible changes to our organs. Listen to your body, take note of these signs and share them in detail with your doctor to catch things early.

  1. Urine

If your urine color is bright yellow, it means you’re consuming enough water and maintaining a good healthy lifestyle. But in changes in color, smell and amount may be a symptom of something serious. That’s why doctors want you to give urine samples in routine checks.

  1. Teeth and gums

The health of our gums actually tells us about more than just the health of our teeth. If your gums bleed, even during brushing, it can be a symptom of you having some health issues. If your teeth are fragile and crack often, it may be a sign of acidosis, an excessive acid rate in the blood.

  1. Sudden weight loss or gain

A rapid, unexplained change in weight poses significant health risks in most cases. It could indicate a number of serious illnesses, including: diabetes, thyroid issues, and heart failure. Severe weight loss is also a symptom of most cancers. In general, you should always consult with a doctor if you experience a sudden unexplainable change in weight.

  1. Fatigue or weakness

Feeling “run down” can be anything from a simple lack of sleep to serious illness like diabetes or sleep apnea. Generally, fatigue caused by lack of sleep will only last short time and it can be cured by scheduling sleep cycles. But If you are so fatigued that no amount of rest can help, it could be a sign of a more serious issue.

  1. Skin

According to a study conducted by a group of dermatologists, our skin actually shows us what is going on inside the body in certain instances. In the most well-known example, a yellowing of the skin can signify a liver disease. Alternatively, an unusual rash that appears on the skin could represent some sort of internal issue or infection as well. It could be an allergy caused by a food or medicine, or a sign of more serious skin conditions like cancer.

  1. Hair and nails

A sudden greying of our hair shouts at us to tell us we’ve been living a really stressful life, while thinning in your hair and nails can mean you have thyroid problems. If there is a visible yellowing in your nails, it may unfortunately mean you have developed fungal growths, especially in your toes. Thin and white nails mean acalcerosis, in other words a calcium deficiency.

  1. Body odor

For sure every person has their own unique smell; but if this smell really disturbs you, consider seeing a doctor. In the mornings, when body odor is most distinct, is the best time to give yourself a sniff.

When any of these symptoms occur, no matter how minor, it’s always a good idea to consult a doctor before it’s too late. But equally, there’s no need to panic every time something minor goes wrong. Simply listen to your body and go see a medical professional if there is a problem.