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/ Blog / Mental Exhaustion: Things You Should Do When Your Brain Burns Out

Mental Exhaustion: Things You Should Do When Your Brain Burns Out


Mental exhaustion, tiredness, or fatigue can happen to anyone. It can make you feel overwhelmed and emotionally drained, making life more miserable than it is. But don’t worry, you’re not alone and we’re here to help you.

Mental exhaustion is not necessarily a result of things gone wrong, or any big stressor, or any big upset. Generally, it’s the result of doing too many things without any pause to restore ourselves. It drains all our energy levels and causes a more stressful lifestyle. Because of this mental state, even after a long night’s sleep, you may still feel exhausted, terrible, and with no energy for doing things. Also, it knocks us back when we need to complete our tasks on daily basis. The more mentally tired we become, the less capable we are of keeping up with the demands of the day.


Mental exhaustion causes both physical and emotional symptoms. It may affect your overall behaviors that people around you can definitely notice. The symptoms vary from person to person. However, if you’re experiencing some of these symptoms listed below, it’s better to start caring for yourself.

In addition to these symptoms, mental exhaustion may also affect your behaviors. These behavioral changes are:

  • Poor performance at work and at home
  • Social isolation
  • Inability to keep personal and work commitments
  • Calling sick more often.


As we know our symptoms, we can start treating them effectively.

Change up your routine: Doing the same thing over and over may make you feel like you’re running in an endless circle. Breaking up this routine can be a great way to stop that tiredness. Just keep it simple and avoid complicated actions. Try doing something new once in a while and think about activities that move you away from stressors and feed your soul.

Meditate: Instead of searching for treatments outside, you should look at your inside first. Start practicing self-care activities. Believe it or not, the stories about how people kick mental exhaustion just doing some meditation are true. Meditation may reduce stress, boost immunity, improve sleep, and as a result of these, it can increase your happiness.

Take a break: You should consider resting and recharging yourself as a part of your treatment. That can mean taking a vacation, clearing your busy schedule for a few days, a whole week, or just spending a few hours for yourself each day.

Get a good night’s sleep: Sleep is an unsung hero when it comes to your emotional well-being. Aim to get the necessary 7-8 hours of sleep each night. But avoid spending so much time in the bed throughout the day. A great tip for you: 30 minutes before going to bed, remove yourself from all screens including your phone. Try to read a few pages or meditate.

Don your sneakers: Researches show that a bit of daily exercise makes the brain more resistant to fatigue and exhaustion. Moreover, exercise also boosts your concentration and mental focus. Just a 20-minute intense workout increases blood flow to your brain and improves your mood, creativity, and memory. It also helps you burn some fat during your treatment.

Please do not forget, mental exhaustion can be easily treatable. If you are struggling to cope with symptoms, talk to a mental health doctor about ways to manage your mental state. We hope our recommendations will also help you well. For more tips and suggestions, follow us on social media and share our article with your friends and family.