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Defining “The New Normal”


Until a cure is found or a vaccine is developed for COVID-19, we will all need to get used to a “new normal”. This means a whole new way of living, working and interacting with other people. Actually, we have been living this new normal for a very long time.

Some diseases caused by viruses have no cure to this day. Even the common cold still lives in the community and there are no vaccines for it. However, we have learned to adjust our lives to maintain our existence with them.

As the COVID-19 infections have begun to slow down in some hotspots, lockdowns are beginning to be eased. Many towns, cities and states are starting to slowly reopen businesses and public areas. As this happens we are slowly coming to understand what the new normal actually means and we are beginning to adapt to it.

Health officials are often talking about something called “herd immunity”. This means a state where a population is sufficiently immune to a certain infectious disease, so much so that the infection will not continue to spread within the population. It can be achieved either through an extensive vaccination program, or by “natural ways”. Many scientists argue that it is actually really hard to achieve without a successful vaccine, because at least 70% of the population have to be immune to coronavirus in order to achieve herd immunity. What’s more, unfortunately the coronavirus is still mutating. So a few places may achieve herd immunity to one of COVID’s mutations, but another mutation or some other mutations will appear and we will need to start from the beginning again.

So, without a vaccine or effective drugs, what will this “new normal” be?

Our new normal will constantly keep changing, and it will change very fast, so we need to improve our ability to adjust quickly to changes.

Most scientists agree we should continue to wear a face mask outside and in public places all the time. Even if governments don’t enforce it, you will still feel better psychologically when you and people around you wear a face mask.

Your employer may ask you to work from home and do online meetings a lot more than before.

Schools will probably reduce the size of their classes and do a lot of online teaching.

You may cook a lot more at home, and have your groceries delivered to your house a lot more often than before. Getting cooked meals delivered still has risks to a certain extent.

E-businesses like online food ordering, online shopping and video on demand, will flourish, while traditional businesses like restaurants and bars will struggle.

Restaurants will no longer be able to seat the same number of people, due to social distancing requirements, and there will be increased sanitation and cleaning everywhere. People may eventually give up going to cafes, restaurants, and even shopping centers altogether.

We will continue to try and keep at least a 1.5m distance from everyone around you. This “personal space” concept will be mandated in many places.

Temperature checks will be conducted everywhere, perhaps even entering your own apartment complex.

Cinemas and airlines will mandate spaced-out seating, as will public transport like buses and trains. They may also charge you double the price in order to continue providing their services.

This will be the same for live concerts and sports, or alternatively, those may be cancelled indefinitely or only performed or played for broadcast. The new movies soon-to-be released may only be released on streaming services.

I personally believe that many of these “new normal” habits will be in our lives for good. Either way, until a vaccine is widely available or herd immunity is achieved, we will need to follow some precautions whether we like or not.  Don’t hesitate to share your ideas and comment with us and follow us on social media.