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/ Blog / Health Benefits Of Houseplants

Health Benefits Of Houseplants


Houseplants have been using for decoratively since ancient times. Greeks and Romans were the first people to bring plants outdoors to indoors. Today’s many decorative styles include at least one or two small houseplants like succulents and cactus. Apart from their decorative usage, they are strongly recommended for their health benefits. This makes them never be out of style. So, how bringing plants inside help us out.

  1. They help us to breath

Unlike inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide like us, plants do an opposite process called photosynthesis. They absorb the carbon dioxide and release oxygen during the day, making them and people great friends with benefits. It’s true that plants help to increase oxygen levels in the house. However, when the sun goes down, the process switches conversely and they start absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. But don’t worry a handful of plants, such as orchids and succulents do the photosynthesis even at night. You can strategically place them in you room to keep that oxygen flow all day and night long.

  1. They help to prevent illness

Houseplants increase the humidity indoors and this deter illness. But how? This increase in humidity decreases the rate of dry skin, cold, sore throat and dry coughs. Moreover, high humidity is inversely proportional to the lifespan of the flu virus. Also it’s a real gift during drier months and it sounds great if you live in an arid climate.

  1. They purify the air

NASA published a list of plants a couple of years ago, which can reduce the toxic materials in the air. These plants have led to a creation of a new concept of indoor air quality improvement using plants. Plants like peace lily, English ivy, dracaena and spider plant are great pollutant absorbers such as carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. NASA recommend are one potted plant per 10 square meters of indoor place.

  1. They reinforce healing

Not that directly, but plants lead to significant improvement in physiologic responses according to various studies. They assist patients to lower their blood pressure, anxiety and fatigue after medical operations. So, bringing flowers is not a cliché, yet so effective. Also, horticulture therapy which patients are tasked to take care of plants, showed a significantly reduced recovery time after medical processes.

  1. They help you work / study better

According to two Norwegian studies, working or studying by the presence of plants in the office or study area boost your productivity at least 20%. They do this by improving your concentration and memory.

So, why are you waiting? Go and add some green in your living place. Check our 10 Air Purifying Plants Approved by NASA for Your House list to find the best houseplant for you. Follow us for more information and don’t hesitate to share you ideas with us.